Firewood Racks Resource

Why Buy a Firewood Storage Rack

Thursday, August 5, 2010 Posted by Sarah M.
Firewood racks are essential to help season the wood to create the best burning experience at your home. If you leave your firewood outside just casually piled up on the ground (probably in the back corner of the yard), the firewood will become damp and rot. It may even grow fungus. This creates an ideal living area for all kinds of insects to burrow their way into your woodpile. Have you ever tried to burn damp, rotted, bug-filled wood? Let me tell you - it's a smoky situation! You cannot enjoy the warmth of the fire because the smoke is overbearing.

Solution: Purchase an outdoor firewood storage rack!

  • They lift the log pile off the ground which will allow the air to circulate through the wood and the warm sun to properly dry the entire cord
  • They are affordable and easy to assemble.
  • They are available in many different sizes so that you can find the right one to fit your home.

When choosing the right firewood rack for your home, keep in mind that most firewood racks are sized by the amount of wood it will hold - this measurement is called a cord. A full cord of firewood is 128 cubic feet – or in more simple terms, a woodpile that measures 8 feet wide x 4 feet high x 4 feet deep. Firewood racks can be purchased with log capacity from an 1/8 cord (2ft rack) to one full cord (16ft rack).

Using an outdoor firewood rack is the best way to prepare your firewood for burning either indoors or outdoors. Even when using a firewood rack, it takes three to six months to properly season the wood. Seasoned firewood is achieved by the warm sun and natural airflow drying out the log from the inside core to the outside bark. For best results, we suggest splitting the logs before they are stacked on the firewood rack. Unsplit logs can still season overtime, but it is wise to let the firewood breathe before it will be used for a fire.

Some firewood racks will come complete with a standard cover (shown above). The standard covers will protect the woodpile from moisture (rain or snow). However, depending on your location - you may need more coverage. Full covers are also available for some firewood storage racks and they provide a shield on all sides from harsh weather conditions.

Buy an outdoor firewood rack, it will help make your wood-burning activities more enjoyable (and less smoky) with properly seasoned firewood!

+Woodland Direct

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